Bespoke Software Development

Revolutionising back-office with our Bespoke Case Management & MIS System

Bespoke Case Management System to monitor and manage planning applications for 6 coastal internal drainage boards and integration with ArcGIS.


The challenge

Water Management Alliance wanted to replace the reliance on Microsoft Excel and manual processing for managing applications received for 6 internal drainage boards. The main objective was to create a simple, easy-to-use bespoke case management database allowing staff to access the latest information on any case at the click of a button. The new system was also expected to automate the generation of scheduled reports submitted to the management team of 6 internal drainage boards. After evaluating several companies, Water Management Alliance chose Schnell for its experience in developing bespoke case management systems and integrating them with ArcGIS.

the challenge

The solution

Schnell began the project by investing time in speaking with the team managing the cases and spending time understanding the existing manual processes and Excel files in use. This allowed us to gain a deep understanding of the processes and challenges faced by the case management team.

After the requirements gathering stage, we developed a prototype and demonstrated it to the end users and management team for sign-off.

The benefits

  • Online case management system with real-time information
  • Integration with ArcGIS system for map-based visualisation
  • Faster decisions based on accurate data
  • Automatic reporting & MIS for real-time visibility
  • Improved security with data encryption
  • Role-based access for different drainage board teams
  • Email alerts for KPI & SLA management