Bespoke Software Development

UK Based Agile Software Development Services

We are a UK-based award-winning Agile software development services company. We help SMEs and startups to create world-class products using Agile methodology. We offer Agile development and consulting services for SMEs and funded Startups.

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Benefits engaging our agile software development services

software product development services team

1. Faster delivery of products

Agile software development helps to reduce the time to market for products by enabling teams to respond rapidly to changes in scope or priorities. By using Agile frameworks such as scrum and lean, teams can create high-quality deliverables at a faster rate, which in turn leads to an accelerated time to market. Additionally, Agile methodology offers visibility and transparency into project progress and management, which helps to reduce the risk of project failure. With the help of Agile software development, companies can gain a competitive advantage by quickly responding to emerging opportunities and launching products faster with greater accuracy and stability.

2. Improved customer satisfaction

Our Agile software development services enable businesses to quickly and efficiently adapt to customer needs and changes in the market, thereby improving customer satisfaction. With Agile, our teams are constantly updated after each sprint and can efficiently respond to customer changes, reduce project risk, and deliver tangible results with minimal functionality. Additionally, Agile development integrates Quality Assurance into the process, which helps reduce rework, improve quality, and stay on budget while getting a valuable result. These features help businesses create better solutions in a shorter time frame, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

latest technologies for software product development
product development on time and budget

3. Improved product quality

Our Agile software development team has proven to improve product quality by allowing for faster time to market, better alignment with business goals, increased transparency and visibility into projects, and improved agility and risk reduction. Through specific tools and techniques such as continuous integration, automated unit testing, pair programming, test-driven development, design patterns, behaviour-driven development, domain-driven design, and code refactoring, our Agile teams can build quality from the beginning and easily demonstrate software for customers. Additionally, we assign a dedicated product owner who can stay tuned into the development life cycle brings a valuable vision to the software. These elements combined allow our agile development teams to create higher-quality products in less time.

4. Increased team efficiency and productivity

Our Agile software development helps to increase team efficiency and productivity by enabling employees to focus their efforts and coordinate their activities in accordance with the project's tasks. This allows all parties to optimise their resources and anticipate work levels while promoting team members' empowerment and autonomy. Furthermore, my making use of Agile frameworks provide tools, such as Scrum and Kanban boards, we maintain a high level of collaboration and communication throughout the duration of the project. Additionally, our Agile leadership team work with Agile coaches and other cross-functional teams help ensure that all members work together to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and productivity.

streamlined development process
software development domain expertise

5. Improved team collaboration and communication

Our Agile software development team also helps improve team collaboration and communication by promoting self-organisation, cross-functionality, and higher levels of communication. Through the use of tools like Scrum boards and Kanban boards, teams can better coordinate their efforts and stay on the same page throughout the development cycle. Furthermore, Agile's 6th principle emphasizes that the most efficient and effective way to communicate is through face-to-face conversation and encourages teams to be conduct face-to-face meetings in person or online. Additionally, we also assign a customer representative available to answer questions throughout the iteration provides stakeholders with frequent updates and helps ensure that the project remains aligned with customer needs and company goals.

6. Reduced costs

Our agile software development services will help to reduce your costs by allowing you to pay only for the resources and time they use for the project. Additionally, our agile teams can quickly adopt and implement changes that reduce the risk of project failure. Agile frameworks like scrum and lean also help to accelerate time to market and deliver high-quality solutions faster, with an estimated time-to-market reduction of 30% on average. Our Agile project managers protect against scope creep, and a loss of focus by setting project-specific KPIs and building product roadmaps. Customers can also consider adapted controlled or fixed price Agile approaches for projects that require an approximate budget and deadline. All of these elements contribute to reducing costs and optimising the resources of a company.

streamlined development process
software development domain expertise

7. Increased agility

Our Agile software development will help you to increase agility by allowing for faster development cycles, iterative approaches, and increased flexibility. As the development process is focused on providing the customer with a high-quality product, agile development allows for quick changes in requirements to meet the customer’s changing needs. Additionally, the agile approach enables teams to focus and organize project participants against the project’s tasks so that everyone is on the same page. Furthermore, agile development results in scalable software that can quickly adapt to new market needs and opportunities and provide robust, user-oriented solutions. This is how we help to increase agility by providing a flexible, scalable, and high-quality development process.

8. Improved product iteration

Our Agile software development team will also help to improve product iteration by allowing for faster delivery times to the market, reducing the risks associated with engineering a product and providing tangible results after each sprint. This will enables all stakeholders to be actively engaged in the process, resulting in better user satisfaction and control over the delivery. Additionally, our Agile development team also leverages quality assurance by integrating it into the process, thus allowing for less rework and improved product quality.

streamlined development process
software development domain expertise

9. Improved risk management

Our Agile software development team will reduce risk by providing tangible results after each sprint, allowing for less rework and improved quality, actively engaging stakeholders to guarantee better user satisfaction and control over the delivery results, and easily adapting to changes caused by shifts in customer behaviour, industry standards, or technology. This also helps to stay on budget and deliver projects faster to the market, providing better accuracy in planning, tracking progress, and delivering high-quality deliverables. As a result, companies can optimise their resources, anticipate work levels, and have greater agility and reduced risk.p>

10. Improved software development cycle

Agile software development helps to improve the software development cycle by providing a number of benefits. It allows for better customer satisfaction, better control, improved project predictability and increased flexibility. It also helps to reduce risks, encourages continuous improvement, and boosts morale among the development team. Additionally, it provides more relevant metrics to track progress and helps to stay on budget. Agile software development enables teams to quickly respond to changes in customer behavior, industry standards and technology, while providing tangible results after each sprint. Quality assurance is integrated throughout the process, and automated unit testing, pair programming and test-driven development techniques are used to improve the quality of the product and enhance product development agility. Agile software development ultimately leads to better processes and better software products and allows for faster releases with higher user satisfaction and better control over delivery results.

streamlined development process

What Sets Us Apart As Agile Software Development?

What sets us apart as an agile software development company is that we have a proven methodology that follows the Scrum principles and best practices while considering Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, DevOps and several developing technologies. With our daily scrum meetings, we can create products with the highest quality and accuracy right from the beginning. We also have talented agile software developers in our team who can provide various agile services such as consulting, user-centred design, delivery and DevOps, Agile development framework, CI/CD, and Agile Transformation. With our technical expertise, we can provide projects with efficient results and high-quality deliverables in a shorter amount of time. Furthermore, our team of agile software engineers are adept at paying attention to minor details to ensure that the software is free from errors. Therefore, our agile software development team is the perfect choice for any company that wants to become lean, focused and agile.

How we use and implement Agile for software development

 Agile frameworks

We use Agile frameworks such as Scrum and Lean to deliver high-quality solutions faster and enable a 30% reduction in time to market.

 Daily updates

We have daily scrums to ensure that the products being created are accurate from the beginning.

  Easy maintenance

We use an Agile software development methodology with Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, DevOps, and several developing technologies to create products which are future-proof.

  Fast progress

We plan out new features so that solutions are free of errors immediately after development.

 Attention to detail

Our Agile software engineers are experienced professionals who pay close attention to detail and use Agile for software development.

  Frequent releases

We optimise the duration of each sprint to produce fully functional software as quickly as possible.

 Quality assurance

We use a scrum-based iterative approach with well-defined QA and management processes to deliver working software and get accurate feedback.

Looking for an Agile Software Development Services Company to give you a quote?

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Agile software development FAQs

Agile software development is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, transparency, and continuous improvement. It is based on the ideas of creating value for customers, responding to change, and delivering working software quickly. Agile development helps reduce risk and ambiguity and focuses on creating quality software that meets customer needs. It includes collaboration among multi-expertise teams, creating efficient software through short iterations, and responding to market opportunities by scaling the software. Agile software development enables teams to deliver customer value more efficiently and effectively.

Agile Software Development Service is an offering from a software company that that is used to create software products quickly and efficiently. It focuses on continuous development, quick and flexible change response, and the use of feedback to improve user-centred results.

The main methods of Agile Software Development are Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD), Agile Modelling, Agile Testing, Backlogs (Product and Sprint), Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), Continuous Integration (CI), Cross-Functional Team, Daily Stand-Ups/Daily Scrums, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Iterative and Incremental Development (IID), Pair Programming, Planning Poker, Refactoring, Retrospectives, Scrum events (Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Retrospective), Specification by Example, Story-Driven Modelling, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Timeboxing, User Stories, and Velocity Tracking.

Identify the project requirements and create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product): Before you start the development process, it is important to identify the project requirements and create an MVP which includes the basic features needed to get the product off the ground.

  • Establish a cross-functional team: To make the most efficient use of resources, it is important to create a cross-functional team that can collaborate effectively across the different stages of the development process.
  • Practice Agile Modelling: Agile Modelling is a practice that enables teams to create and modify their software models as their understanding of the problem domain evolves.
  • Practice Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD): ATDD is a practice that allows teams to create automated acceptance tests early in the development process, thereby ensuring that the requirements are correctly implemented.
  • Practice Behavior-Driven Development (BDD): BDD is a practice that allows teams to create automated tests that focus on the behavior of the system.
  • Practice Continuous Integration (CI): CI is a practice that encourages teams to integrate their code on a regular basis, ensuring that any new code is tested and integrated quickly.
  • Practice Test-Driven Development (TDD): TDD is a practice that encourages teams to write tests that verify the correctness of their code before they begin coding.
  • Practice Planning Poker: Planning Poker is a practice that helps teams to estimate the effort required for tasks and projects.
  • Practice Retrospectives: Retrospectives are a practice that enables teams to reflect on the project, identify areas for improvement and plan actionable steps to ensure that these improvements are implemented.
  • Practice Velocity Tracking: Velocity tracking is a practice that helps teams to measure the progress of their project and plan for the future.

The primary difference between agile and waterfall software development methods is their approach to quality and testing. In waterfall development, testing is done separately after the build phase. Agile development, however, involves testing in each iteration while programming, allowing users to receive new pieces of software and validate its value. This iterative approach promotes a product mindset instead of a project mindset, as it allows for greater flexibility in adapting to changes in the business or market.

Waterfall development is suitable for well-defined projects with a fixed scope, but it is less effective for services that need to change quickly with technology. Agile development, on the other hand, allows for quick adaptation to changing policy, technology and user needs. This makes agile methods better suited for government services that need to be able to respond rapidly to changes.

The benefits of Agile Software Development Services are numerous. They include increased team productivity, improved project visibility, accelerated software development, flexible prioritization, improved customer satisfaction, better control over the project, improved project predictability, early identification of problems, reduced risk, customer ownership of the product, increased flexibility, continuous improvement, better team morale, more relevant metrics, and improved quality. Agile software development also allows for faster releases and optimises the allocation of resources by reducing waste. Agile projects are 28% more successful than traditional projects, according to a 2018 PwC report.

Agile software development practices are a group of iterative and incremental development methods that emphasize customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software, welcoming changing requirements, delivering working software frequently, having close cooperation between business people and developers, building projects around motivated individuals who are trusted, having face-to-face conversations when possible, using working software as the primary measure of progress, having sustainable development to maintain a constant pace, having continuous attention to technical excellence and good design, having simplicity as an essential element, allowing the best architectures, requirements, and designs to emerge from self-organizing teams, and having regular reflections on how to become more effective with adjustments as needed.

Some notable agile software development practices include acceptance test-driven development (ATDD), agile modelling, agile testing, backlogs (product and sprint), behaviour-driven development (BDD), continuous integration (CI), cross-functional teams, daily stand-up/ daily scrum, domain-driven design (DDD), iterative and incremental development (IID), pair programming, planning poker, refactoring, retrospective, scrum events (sprint planning, sprint review and retrospective), specification by example, story-driven modelling, test-driven development (TDD), timeboxing, user story, velocity tracking, and more.

Scrum is an Agile software development methodology that provides a set of rules and practices for teams to use when creating software products. It is designed to allow teams to quickly assess the current state of their project, plan out their next steps, and continuously improve their process. By using Scrum for software development, it enables teams to be flexible and react quickly to changes in customer needs or project scope. It emphasizes collaboration, continuous improvement, and frequent feedback to ensure that teams can deliver the best possible product.

Scrum helps in Agile software development by providing a framework for teams to follow. This includes establishing a set of roles, such as the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team, and setting up events such as sprint planning, daily standups, retrospectives, and demos. These events help to ensure that teams are aligned, that customer needs are being met, and that any changes to the project scope or timeline can be identified and addressed quickly. Additionally, by focusing on frequent feedback and continuous improvement, Scrum helps teams to identify potential problems or opportunities and make appropriate changes. All of these factors combined make Scrum an effective tool for Agile software development.

  • Difficulty in managing teams spread across multiple business locations: Managing distributed teams presents unique challenges such as difficulty in communication, cultural differences, and coordination.
  • Difficulty in estimating and tracking progress: Estimating and tracking progress is difficult when using Agile software development due to the iterative nature of the process and the need to adjust the timeline continuously.
  • Difficulty in integrating legacy infrastructure: Integrating legacy systems can be challenging when transitioning from a non-Agile software development process.
  • Difficulty in testing: Testing can be challenging due to the rapid development cycles of Agile software development, as it becomes difficult to keep up with the pace of development.
  • Difficulty in gaining executive-level support: Agile software development requires executive-level buy-in and support, which can be difficult to achieve due to the perceived risks associated with a more flexible development process.
  • Difficulty in prioritizing features: Prioritizing features can be especially difficult when working with a limited budget and limited resources.
  • Difficulty in scaling to large teams: Scaling up to large teams can be challenging as Agile software development is best suited to small, efficient teams.
  • Difficulty in ensuring continuous improvement: Ensuring that continuous improvement is a part of the Agile software development process can be challenging, as it requires specific practices to be implemented and maintained.

12+ Years of Industry Experience

Team of 50+

Spread across, UK, USA & India with diverse Technology, Development & Consulting experience.

70+ Successful Projects

Web Apps, Cloud, Portals, Databases, CRMs, Mobile Apps, Workflow, Data Integration, more...

Cross Vertical Experience

Aviation, Logistics, Retail, FMCG, Government, Healthcare, Pharma, Not For Profit, more...

Get in touch

  • 1. We will contact you within 1 business day to arrange an initial discussion.

  • 2. Our team will access the scope and come up with options on technology, design & architecture.

  • 3. We present this back to you along with estimates on costs & timescales.